How Soon Can I Go To The Gym After My Hair Transplant In NYC?

If you are considering going through with a hair transplant treatment but are also interested in getting back into working out, then there are a few essential details that you need to be aware of about the aftercare and recovery process associated with a hair transplant. Exercising after a hair transplant is one of the topics that will be covered in this article as well as some helpful recovery tips.

Our goal in covering this topic is to help you become more educated after your treatment so that you can make choices that will help you get the greatest possible outcome from your hair transplant in NYC.

Learn More About The Recovery Process Following A Hair Transplant In New York City

Get in contact with us right away if you’re interested in learning more about the FUE hair transplant technique and the recovery process that comes along with it. During the preliminary, in-depth consultation that serves as the foundation for the hair transplant process, our NYC staff will be there to guide you through the procedure and what to expect. Call us directly or fill out a contact form to get started!

When Can You Start Exercising After A Hair Transplant?

After undergoing hair transplant surgery, if physical activity is already a regular part of your life, you may be eager to go back to your regular fitness program as soon as possible. However, during the first two weeks following surgery, it is very important that you limit the amount of physical activity that you do.

After the first five days after your hair transplant, it is strongly recommended that you make an effort to take it easy and get as much rest as you possibly can. If you are having trouble sitting still and unwinding, you should go for a stroll; this shouldn’t have any impact on the transplant.

It’s possible that hearing that you can usually resume your regular workout routine two weeks after surgery may come as a surprise to you. After a week has passed after you had your hair transplant, you will be able to begin taking baby steps to get back into your regular routine by engaging in mild activity that does not cause you to break a sweat. From there, you can continue to add more workouts and exercises as your recovery progresses.

When Can You Safely Return To The Gym After A Hair Transplant?

After 7–14 days, patients may return to their normal workout routines at the gym. After a week, patients are allowed to engage in mild activities that do not cause them to break a sweat, such as walking or a short bike ride. After 14 days, patients are able to engage in strenuous physical activity that causes them to strain and sweat, such as weightlifting. Patients who swim competitively or participate in contact sports such as rugby, football, or boxing will have to wait one month before they can go back to their regular activities.

Your Recovery Timeline After A Hair Transplant In NYC

The recuperation process is something you should educate yourself on if you want to have a complete understanding of when you will be able to return to your regular workout program. In spite of the fact that each patient will get a comprehensive guide on what to do and what not to do following their surgery, we have defined a basic timeframe for you to have a look at.

One Week After A Hair Transplant In NYC

After one week has passed after your hair transplant, you can slowly begin to exercise. As was said before, the first five days are a very important period in terms of the healing process. During this period, it is strongly urged that you refrain from engaging in any type of physical activity, and if at all possible, it is suggested that you request time off from work in order to give yourself the opportunity to unwind and get well.

After the first week is through, you’ll be able to start doing more moderate kinds of exercise like walking and yoga without putting as much strain on your body. It is essential to keep in mind that even little perspiration might slow down the healing process, so if you want to expedite the process, you should walk at a more leisurely speed. You should avoid doing anything that requires greater cardiac activity, such running, as much as possible.

If, after the first week, you discover that the swelling on your scalp is becoming worse, you should cut down on the amount of activity you do and get in touch with your hair transplant surgeon or our experts in NYC. Scalp swelling is a natural occurrence throughout the healing process and is not anything to be alarmed about. Take one day at a time, and don’t put too much pressure on yourself.

Two Weeks After A Hair Transplant In NYC

In most cases, the first period of recuperation after a hair transplant might last for up to two weeks. Usually you will be able to resume your regular workout regimen after a two-week break. However, it is essential to keep in mind that the circumstances surrounding each individual are unique. If you are still experiencing sensitivity and redness of the scalp, you should schedule an appointment with your hair transplant experts. He or she will be able to provide you with guidance on the types of physical activity that are appropriate for you to engage in going ahead.

That said, it’s usually recommended to wait at least four weeks before engaging in activities such as swimming or sports that involve physical contact.

Four Weeks After A Hair Transplant In NYC

After a period of four weeks has elapsed after your hair transplant, you are free to resume any and all sorts of physical activity. Even though you may feel like you have healed from your hair transplant within the first four weeks after the procedure, trauma may still damage your scalp and impair the hair follicles. As a result of this, there is a mandatory rest time of four weeks prior to engaging in any contact sports.

We also recommend that you refrain from swimming for a period of four weeks in order to lower your risk of infection. Patients are able to return to their regular exercise and sporting activities after a period of 4 weeks. After four weeks, you will most certainly notice that the hair that was transplanted into your scalp is falling out; this is a natural occurrence. From there, you can continue on with your regular routines.

Risks Associated With Physical Activity Following A Hair Transplant In NYC

After undergoing hair transplant surgery in NYC, you will want to do all in your power to encourage the development of healthy hair and lower the likelihood of contracting an infection. It is essential to keep in mind that exercise might have a negative impact on your recuperation since it can lead to a variety of complications, including perspiration, the displacement of hair transplants, straining, and infection. The following are some of the risk that can occur:


The majority of the time when we workout, we end up sweating. Perspiring poses significant challenges to the healing process after a hair transplant treatment. Sweating may irritate your scalp at a time when it is already quite sensitive following your surgery. After your hair transplant process, it is recommended that you refrain from engaging in physical activity and also make an effort to avoid sitting in the sun for the next two weeks. This will help you prevent excessive perspiration.

Causing Grafts To Get Dislodged

The first five days following your surgery are the most important since it is easy to dislodge hair grafts while they recover if you yank or pull on the grafts. Through movement, exercise will improve the likelihood of this occurring to you. Because vigorous activity may also irritate the scalp, avoiding it for the first two weeks after getting a new haircut is the best way to prevent this from occurring.

Raising Your Blood Pressure

It may seem pretty strange, but it is true that if you strain during exercise, then you might increase the risk of hair grafts falling or breaking off. This may sound like a strange risk but it is a real possibility. The reason behind this is because as you strain, the pressure within your scalp rises as well as increases your blood pressure.

You should take all the necessary precautions to help in your recovery in order to offer yourself the greatest chance of having a successful outcome from the transplant. It is in your best interest to steer clear of situations that are likely to raise your blood pressure since doing so might slow your healing process.


When exercising, there is a possibility that you may be tempted to touch the region that was transplanted, and gyms are not always the cleanest of settings. This may result in the introduction of dirt, debris, and maybe an infection into the region in which your freshly transplanted grafts have been placed. This is not the best course of action, particularly in the first two weeks after the procedure when the scalp is in the initial healing period. Because of this, we strongly advise that you stay away from gyms for the first two weeks following getting a hair transplant.

Before & After


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